
Favicon Generator

Create a range of favicon image files from a single svg input file. In particular, apple touch icons. Upload Image. Choose a file or drag it here.


Favic-o-Matic generates favicons, both .ico & .png (even transparent ones!), and the HTML code needed to make your website look awesome on every browser and ...

Image to Favicon - favicon.io

The only favicon generator you need for your next project. Quickly generate your favicon from text, image, or choose from hundreds of emojis.

Genfavicon. Free Online Favicon Generator. Icon Generator.

... 64x64, 128x128. Browse to the files location on your computer to select the image and press Upload Image button to generate a favicon for your site.

Free Online Favicon and Apple Icons Generator

iconifier.net is a free online icon generator for Apple launcher icons and favicon files zipped into one easy download file.

Favicon Generator - Favicon from Text or Image

Customize the favicon text, colors, font, and corners. Generate the favicon images in all the required sizes. Get the favicon HTML code for all browsers and ...

FavIcon Generator

FavIcon Generator is a free online tool to create icons and favicons (favicon. ... The most common sizes for favicons and icons are: 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, ...

Favicon generator Convert your png to ico

Favicon Generator is a free tool to generate a favicon for your websites converting your jpg or png to ico.

FavIcon Converter Generator

Upload any image to convert into an icon (.ico file). Select as many resolutions as desired, they will all be stored in the same file.


X-Icon Editor is an HTML5 application (based on <Canvas>) that allows you to create high resolution icons that lets your sites shine.


Createarangeoffaviconimagefilesfromasinglesvginputfile.Inparticular,appletouchicons.UploadImage.Chooseafileordragithere.,Favic-o-Maticgeneratesfavicons,both.ico&.png(eventransparentones!),andtheHTMLcodeneededtomakeyourwebsitelookawesomeoneverybrowserand ...,Theonlyfavicongeneratoryouneedforyournextproject.Quicklygenerateyourfaviconfromtext,image,orchoosefromhundredsofemojis.,...64x64,128x1...
